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Pull Your Sofa Off The Wall

Though February is short, it’s jam-packed with important dates like the Big Game

Naturally, we at Merry Maids are all up for celebrating a suggestion that involves cleaning under furniture. Learn why we’re so gung-ho about prying your couch off the walls, and then get some advice on how to get the job done right.

Why Should You Pull Your Couch Off the Wall?

For many people, the sofa is a comfortable place where friends and family gather to watch TV, play board games, read and relax, oftentimes accompanied by snacks and beverages. And those dropped pieces of popcorn or sticky spilled soda trails don’t just disappear. They decompose, leave stains and attract all sorts of pests that you don’t want.

Additionally, if you’re a pet owner there’s no telling what may be lurking under your furniture. We’re talking everything from chew toys and catnip-stuffed mice to tufts of fur and dried hairballs.

Because of this, tending to the dark and mysterious realms under and behind your furniture should definitely be a part of any deep cleaning the house checklist you may have.

How Often Should I Vacuum Under the Couch?

As with any household chore, the frequency with which you clean under furniture will depend on how many people and pets live in your home and how often the area is used. That being said, you should pull your couch out for housekeeping purposes at least twice a year, though ideally you’d vacuum under and behind the sofa once a month.

How Can I Make the Most of Pull Your Sofa Off the Wall Day?

Be smart and safe

Obviously, cleaning under furniture isn’t worth the extra effort if you throw your back out or scratch your hardwood floors. Make sure you enlist some help when it comes to pulling the sofa away from the wall. You may also want to consider investing in furniture sliders to make the task a little easier. Here are some other safety pointers that could come in handy:

Clean the couch itself

You rarely see the back of this piece of furniture, so you may as well clean the sofa, right? Spend a few extra minutes to pull out the cushions and vacuum up any stale corn chips or random bits of pocket grit you may find. Then go ahead and take care of the upholstery. If you need some advice on how to care for that, we’ve got you covered:

Ride the deep cleaning wave

Vacuuming under the couch probably won’t take more than a few minutes. Why not take advantage of having these out-of-sight patches of flooring, carpet and walls exposed while you’re at it? Tick some of boxes off your deep cleaning the house checklist with the following instructions:

Enjoy the perks

Maybe you’ll find that pair of sunglasses that disappeared three months ago or your dog’s favorite ball. You might also rack up enough in loose change and bills to buy yourself a coffee. Or this could be the perfect chance to rearrange the living room furniture and try out a new organizational flow. Whatever the case may be, cleaning shouldn’t equal misery, so try to find pleasure where you can!

Need more tips to maintain a nice and tidy abode throughout the coldest season of the year? Learn how to get rid of musty winter smells in your home then check out some ideas for keeping snow and slush outside

And if the short days of winter mean you’ve got no time or energy to deal with the housekeeping, let us lend a hand. Contact your local Merry Maids